Attending Professional Development For Teachers

By Francis Riggs

Instructors need to keep up with trends in education. Therefore most school districts offer professional development for teachers so they can stay abreast of the changes and additions to the curriculum and to instructional methods. This gives instructors the opportunity to grow and learn in their specific fields.

These courses are taught after school, on Saturdays, and throughout the summer. Some, especially if they are based on core subjects such as math, science, English, and social studies, are taught for one or more full school days during regular school hours.

During these courses, instructors get involved in a variety of learning exercises such as lectures, hands-on activities, and group instruction. It helps the educator get a realistic feel for how to conduct her class of regular students. The content will be taught as well as the proper method of teaching it. New methods of presenting materials, adding coursework, and engaging the attention of students will make the learning environment much more effective.

For example, a science teacher could attend sessions in physics, natural science and biology. She could possibly be taught the content in exactly the same way she would be expected to teach her students. The routines, supporting materials and presentations would all be same as for your students. It is fun and exciting to be immersed in the very same activities as the kids in your class as it helps develop empathy and gives a new perspective to the subject.

Often these workshops are held to introduce new technology or software. Upgraded equipment, new methods of taking attendance or grading students, online resources for specific subjects, and student-friendly websites are all examples of what can be covered in a seminar or workshop. Teaching teachers how to align their instruction with student testing may also be covered. Evaluation or assessment tools can also be the informative topic presented.

Family involvement may even be the focus of a course. The best way to motivate and keep a child on track is to get the entire family involved by keeping the lines of communication open, asking questions about the child's background and interests, and encouraging them to participate in as many school activities as possible. This is very helpful to those instructors who are new or who are employed in low income areas.

Other conferences may deal with improving the learning environment or handling behavior issues. These would be especially helpful to an individual who is new to the field or is taking on a difficult classroom. Discipline, consequences, creating a calm teaching environment, arranging a classroom for effective instruction, and collaboration with more experienced instructors are all examples of the content of such workshops.

It is very important to keep up with all that is going on in the world of education. This will make a person a stronger and more informed instructor who will give her best to her students. This instructor will also feel much more confident in her own skills and the effect that they have on the entire classroom and school.

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