Basic 11 Plus Tuition Tips Every Parent Should Remember

By Kristen Baird

Studying is the duty of students. However, not all students can do a good job at it no matter how much they try. That is why there are different services being offered out there these days that will allow these students to get something good out of their hard work. Out of the many services out there, one of the best is 11 plus tuition.

For the parents that want their students to go to this service, there are several things that they have to keep in mind. These are the tips that should allow not only the students but them as well to get a positive result out of this service they have availed. Here are those tips that parents, as well as students, should remember.

First, overloading is a term that you should fear. You should never make your child study so hard that they do not even take a little break. Give them a break in between studies, even if they are just five-minute breaks. The small breaks they have in studying will actually help stimulate their mental health even more.

A child getting distracted while studying should not be a rare occurrence to you. If this happens, you should not be angry and force the child to get back to studying. Remember that the attention span of a child is just usually thirty minutes. If you want to solve this, you have to work on gradually increasing the attention span of the child.

Organizing your lessons should be a given. Even a simple fridge list will do. In the fridge list, you will be listing the topics which you will teach your child. These topics should include all those that the child has troubles with in every subject. You need to cover these topic for the sake of making the child understand more.

It is recommended that the child revises with the parents. For parents, you should remember to bring the child somewhere new when revising. It does not matter whether it is just a different place around your house. Even if it is just the library, that should be fine too. New places help stimulate mental strength for the child, after all.

There is something called active revision. You should employ this with the child because this is the best way for them to learn. In the case of the active revision, you have to get past papers of the said examination. You have to make the students work on these past papers while simulating a similar exam condition as that of the real thing.

Make a visual aid for the child. Visual aids help with learning, after all. There are lots of visual aids that you can make for the sake of simulating the memory and mental strength of the child. A perfect example of the visual aid that you can provide for the child is the spider map. Other graphs will do too.

Mnemonics can be good too. Through the mnemonics, the child can actually remember various information easily. You can use mnemonics in the form of abbreviations, phrases, and words. Personalize it so that the child can remember them better.

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