Proper Oral Care And Aspiration Pneumonia Clears Airway From Obstructions

By Helen Hayes

The lack of oxygen is the number one reason why many elderly patients suffer from choking. Choking happen when there is a solid material forming around the esophageal area. Or when food is not properly chewed and broken down which becomes an obstruction around the throat area.

Nurses are often tasked with promoting the well being of subject. Hence they must perform treatment and care that not only improves the subject health. But prevent disease and bacteria from appearing again hence providing the right oral care and aspiration pneumonia can do this.

Furthermore patients can also prevent asphyxia through eating correctly and avoiding hard to swallow foods. However an infection is a different story because it is usually caused by a bacteria. So when aspiration occurs it is caused by inhaling, eating, or drinking materials like liquid, food, or vomitus.

Bronchial tubes and lungs that are inflamed is often caused by aspiration pneumonia after a patient has inhaled an alien matter. Sometimes this is referred as anaerobic pneumonia however when a patient inhales matter such as food, vomitus, or liquid this would result into infection. And curing the bacteria can be difficult to remove since germs can often over power the immune system thus prolonging the patients infection.

Medical conditions such as diseases of the lung and neurologic, dysfunctional swallowing, seizure, stroke, cannot eat or chew food properly, and unstable mental health. When aspiration or anaerobic pneumonia occurs always because of inflammation around the lungs area and the bronchial tubes. However infection does not start until the subject inhales foreign material from the air that allows these bacteria an entry into the body.

Anaerobic or aspiration pneumonia is caused by an inflammation near the tubes of bronchial area and lungs. Inflammation and infection occur when a patient has previously inhaled a foreign material such as liquid, vomitus, and food. But a patient who have a weakened immune system have difficulty in removing bacteria from the body.

Signs such as angina pectoris, dyspnea, wheezing, fatigue, discoloration of the skin color blue, cough with blood or foul odor, harder to swallow, stinky breath, and excessive sweating. Often times a doctor might add these symptoms while a physical examination is conducted like decreased platelet red blood cell count, heart rate increased, and crackling noises from the lungs. Hence if patients suspect they have a more serious problem underlying their current condition then visiting their general practitioner should be done.

However knowing the kind of symptoms associated with pneumonia can alert you immediately. Symptoms include dyspnea, pain around the chest area, fatigue, wheezing, blue color around the skin, blood or pus found in sputum, bad breath, excessive sweat, and harder time to swallow. During your visit to the doctor a test which includes swallowing a yellow barium during a chest examination and x ray shows doctor the problems surrounding this area.

Aside that doctors might diagnose subjects who have lower blood count, increased heart rate, poor oxygen circulation, and noise of crackling around the lungs. More over other test would include sputum and blood culture, cbc, bronchoscopy, ct scan, swallow test, x ray, and ABG. Therefore proper oral hygiene can only do so much compared to visiting to the doctors office and getting yourself checked and examined by a professional health care worker.

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