How To Start The Process Of Finding Peace Within Yourself

By Lisa Phillips

Every few years, you might decide to change your whole lifestyle, but after a few days you find yourself falling back into your old routine. This might make you feel like you are failing. Finding peace within yourself is one of the first things you need to do, before you make any life-changing decisions. This will help keep you positive and motivated enough, to go through with the changes.

One of the first things you need to accept is that you cannot control everything. Small things like the weather, or the secretary who does not seem to like you, should not frustrate you too much. You also need to understand that no matter how hard you work, you cannot change the things that happened. Once you accept this, it will stop affecting how you view the present and the future.

Going through life at breakneck speed will tire you mentally, and even physically. So before you collapse at work from exhaustion, take a step back and look at your life. When you do this, you are able to see the important things like family, and your health. This does not mean quitting your job, but if you are tired every day, consider taking on fewer responsibilities.

Sometimes, you will find that your life resembles a cluttered closet. You end up holding on to pent up emotions, people you pretend to like, and hobbies you do not even understand. When you start to re-evaluate your life, start by getting rid of all the things and people you feel contribute to the negativity. Be very careful not to turn into an introvert, but having a smaller circle of friends might prove to be better for you.

Before you find peace in yourself, you need to accept the way you are. You can change some aspects of your appearance and personality, but this will need to be a personal choice. Every once in a while, schedule a day to spend alone, doing what you like. This is one of the most important steps of this journey, because it will also teach you how to appreciate other people.

Clearing your mind is how most people define meditating. This part will look easy until you actually try it, and find that you cannot go for two minutes without having a random thought, or falling asleep. As a beginner, you can start by focusing on one thing when clearing or working with an expert, who can guide you through the process.

Nature can be very therapeutic. If you live in the middle of a city, try going to the park now and then. You can also join people going on hikes, or fishing trips. Simply being in this environment forces you to slow down and eventually relax.

If you need some extra convincing before embarking on this journey towards inner peace, look at the benefits. A relaxed demeanor makes you healthier, happier, and more competent at work. This way, you can still achieve your targets without wearing yourself out.

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