The Necessity Of The Air Quality Test For Mold

By Margaret Phillips

Your house is much more subject to bacteria and other pollutants compared to the outdoor environment. That is not really surprising. No matter how much you clean your house, it is still not safe from molds and other toxins lingering in the air.

Molds are the primary culprit that causes this problem. These microorganisms are formed due to the moisture. Houses with leakages or water systems are much more subject to it. In order to check the quality of mold living in your home, try to get an air quality test for mold.

This method is very effective especially in measuring the mold content in your house. It is usually done by a specialist. They will take some samples on your home and have it examine in the laboratory. There are different methods use by professionals to gather samples.

It will be done through the help of the microscope. Specialists will try to estimate how big the colony of molds residing in your area. Aside from that, they will also identify what types of molds they are. They are different types of molds. The Stachybotrys and the Aspergus. Among the two, Stachybotrys is the most dangerous. It is sometimes called the toxic black mold.

It releases different types of toxic. Stachybotrys is sometimes called the black mold. The name fits perfectly with its character. Among the rest, this is very troublesome and hard to handle with. Its production will surely lead to the development of serious illness. Therefore, once you confirmed its existence, you need to have it clean right away.

There are good reasons why you should have your home test. Instead as viewing it as an expense, think about the future benefits it will cause to your family. The program will really help you in various ways. Regular testing will surely enhance the quality of your indoor environment. Here are few of the health benefits it offers.

Affect your eye quality. Having a good vision is important. Therefore, you need to take good care of it. Studies found out that Stachybotrys is not good for the eye. It could lead to severe eye impairment and illness. Few of its effect are blurry vision, inflammation, and even jaundice. The latter is a medical condition which causes your eyes to be yellowish.

Improve your immune system. These microorganisms carry toxins that can weaken the immune system. As a result, your child is prone to illness and skin diseases. Aside from that, they can also be subject from infection and other types of illness. Especially on their respiratory, circulatory, and reproductive systems.

Mental illness. Molds do not only destroy your physical health. It can also lead to grave mental illness. Toxins in the atmosphere can give you severe neurological disorder. It made lead to hallucinations, anxiety, and depression. Aside from those, it could even trigger memory loss and short attention span.

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