Surgical Technician Schools: Important Things To Consider

By Rashad Gottron

In order for surgical procedures to be carried out in the safest and most efficient way, surgeons and other health care workers rely on surgical technicians. Among the many responsibilities of a surgical technician include preparing patients for surgical procedures, sterilizing of surgical instruments, and assisting with dressings. Training usually lasts just 2 years or less, and they are offered in a wide selection of surgical technician schools.

Surgical technician schools can help students looking to become a surgical technician by preparing them for the duties and responsibilities that await them in the medical field. Basic educational program will involve instruction in biology, chemistry, anatomy, and medical terminologies. Advanced subjects such as pharmacology, microbiology, surgical pathophysiology, surgical anatomy and surgical assisting clinical training will also be taken up as well.

Surgical technician schools generally have some prerequisites such as high school diploma or a GED equivalent before accepting any applicants. Some may require applicants to have a background in subjects such as Science, Mathematics and English, while some require successful completion of an entrance exam. It is highly recommended that you visit the school or their website to receive further details on their admission requirements.

Surgical technician schools generally offer certificate, diploma and associate's degree programs. If you're looking to get started quickly as a surgical assistant, you can enroll in a certificate program which only takes 6 months to complete. A diploma program will provide you with better training coverage, but takes an additional 6 months to complete. If you want a more detailed and comprehensive approach, you can opt for an associate's degree program which will take 24 months to complete.

With so many surgical technician schools to choose from, making the right choice can sometimes be a daunting task. This is why factors such as tuition fees, location, instruction quality, school reputation and programs offered must be considered when choosing a school. Generally, it is best to choose a school that has earned accreditation from the Commission on Accreditation on Allied Health Education Programs or CAAHEP.

Once you complete your surgical assisting training program, the next step for you is to receive certification by passing a certification exam issued by the National Board of Surgical Technology and Surgical Assisting (NBSTSA). Besides providing you with surgical assisting instruction and training, surgical technician schools can also help prepare you for the certification exam.

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