Steps On How To Teach A Kid To Read

By Sharron Cantu

If one is a parent, then he will definitely have to teach his children how to decipher letters so that they will grow up to have a wide vocabulary range and have good reading comprehension. Now this may be a problem for first time parents because it is not very easy to show young children how to read. So if one has a child and would like him to learn reading, then here are some steps on how to teach a kid to read.

Now when one would start off with reading, he has to start with easy reading books that would have a lot of images. Now these easy books would have a lot of basic words that can be seen very easily because of the really big font. Now the child may actually progress further to books with bigger words later on when his reading skills have already improved.

Of course after he has learned how to read the alphabet and all the letters there, parents must first familiarize the child with the combination of these letters to form some words. Of course while reading each word, one has to read them very slowly while emphasizing each sound. While doing this, make the child also say the words too.

When the first page is done, have the kid repeat it again so that he will not forget about it. Now in order to make it easier for the child, let him keep repeating the first sentence before he would go on to the next. Make sure that he keeps on reading it until he perfects the sentence.

Now sounding out the words is only the first part of the process but the second part would be explaining the meaning. Now probably after the kid has already perfected reading one page, then the parent must explain to him the meaning of all the words. Now do try to explain the meaning of the words in such a way that it is easy for the child to understand.

Of course after doing that, then the parent should now ask the child some interactive questions to kind of give him a test. Now while asking questions, the child would also have a lot of questions to ask like how to pronounce a word or how to define it. So this will actually be something like an open forum session between parent and kid.

Do take note that parents have to make sure that they ask their kids to read out loud so that they will be able to practice reading the sounds. Reading aloud is very important because it would help the kids be able to remember what they are reading. Also, reading aloud would help them remember the words and also help them decipher the meanings better.

Now parents have to always read to their kids otherwise their kids will not be able to remember what they have learned. So at least once a day, the parents would have to sit their kids beside them, take out a book and start reading along with them. Eventually, this will become a habit that they will always carry.

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