The Significance Of Muslim School

By Miranda Hawkins

As a religion, Islam puts great importance on education. Prophet Muhammad, himself, had been a teacher in the oldest institute of Madrasa education. After that, he appointed another teacher to in the person of Hazrat Ubada bin Samit, who continued to provide education to the faithful followers. Originally, the curriculum taught both Koran and Hadith, calligraphy, handwriting, athletics, medicine and martial arts.

The legacy carried on until the present times with the Muslim school in Luton. These institutions provide faith-based education in every community where a large Muslim population lives. Besides providing quality education to its students, the school also reinforces the teachings of the religion and its cultural and spiritual heritage. With the modern curriculum, admission is not only limited to the believers. Even non-Muslim students can enroll.

For most parents, the threat of worldly temptations is a great risk. Except for some, majority of the schools promote an environment of pop and modern culture as well as materialism. There is also the dangers of getting influenced to precocious sexual encounters. Such possibility is alarming most especially to conservative parents. The schools aim to address crucial social concerns that parents dread.

Islamic education also provides holistic growth to the students. Its curriculum is largely based from the teachings of Quran. The principles and philosophy in the book are practically applied in the daily lives of a student. As such, the way the students dress and behave is more socially acceptable within the norms.

The quality of life inside the campus is remarkably different from secular or parochial schools, too. Following the doctrines of the religion, its students are encouraged to learn so they can live a virtue-filled life, unlike other institutions who are preparing their learners just to become an asset in the workforce.

The girls and boys are split into separate classes, students wear traditional garbs, prayers are spoken in regular intervals and all curricular areas focus on character education. Islamic practices are closely entwined in the school's daily activity. Arabic is also an integral part of the curriculum.

Despite putting great emphasis on the Islamic practices, other areas of instructions are being offered all the same. Secular sciences, including metaphysics, astronomy and chemistry is also taught in the institution. Philosophy, music, logic, history and mathematics are all part of the curriculum as well.

To boot, the curriculum of these schools are regulated by the school board in their local area, except a few courses in respect of religion. This is to standardize the quality of education across all the institutions in Luton, UK. Likewise, the Association of Muslim Schools administers the administrative collaboration of its members. The two agencies help hold up the bar of education.

Young Muslims and non-Muslims who want to get immersed in Islamic practices are fortunate that these schools operate even in non-Islamic countries. The institutions do not only provide quality education, but also preserves the faith and beliefs that the modern culture is threatening. In conclusion, you must be prudent in choosing which school to enroll in. After all, no two schools are alike. Take the time to do your research.

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