Tips For Basic Manners And Etiquette

By Leslie Ball

Society expects people to behave in a certain way, be it in private or in a public place. However, due to cultural and social differences, it is common to find people behaving in a way that is considered unacceptable in certain circles. It could be that you have been invited to a party or you are attending a job interview in a new place. To avoid embarrassments, you should be aware of the basic manners and etiquette listed below.

Punctuality should be among your top principles. When you keep time, it shows that you are an organized individual. You also get to be more efficient because you deliver on deadlines and you have nothing to worry you. If you do not like being kept waiting, just return the favor and never keep people waiting.

It is said that most people judge you within the first few minutes of the initial meeting. Therefore, when you are late, it will linger on the mind of someone for a long time even if you work hard to erase that image. Your lateness will also affect many other people because they will have to reschedule to accommodate you.

Give people their personal space. If you are in a public place such as a bust stop, at one time you might have felt that the person standing next to you was too close despite the place not being crowded. This happens in many instances, and its best to stay at a comfortable distance so that you do not make others uncomfortable.

It is difficult to determine how much space you are going to leave between those you interact with. However, if you sense that someone is uncomfortable with you being too close, just increase the distance. The general rule is to avoid touch with strangers. This protects you from misunderstand from a person of the opposite sex or someone from a different culture.

Communication is important in social interactions. If you are not good at communicating with others, people, will always give you a wide berth. During conversation, ensure that you hold constructive dialogue by giving others an opportunity to talk as well. This will make people feel that you value them.

Avoid gossip. The one thing people never understand about gossip is that one way or another, the information will get back to the individual you were talking about. This will make people avoid confiding in you.

Respect public space. If you have to use your cell phone in public, ensure that you do so sparingly and the conversation is not private. Your social media pages should also not contain offensive posts. Remember that the internet never forgets and once you post something, you can pull it down put you can never withdraw the words.

Practice good manners daily so that it comes naturally. When people realize that you are trying too hard to show etiquette, they will not respect you. They will feel that you are simply doing so to please them.

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