Easy Tricks For Better Brain Function

By Harold Collins

Memory lapses, low energy and stress are signals that your brain is not functioning at optimum level. This calls for activities or lifestyle choices that result in better brain function. Experts have been searching for the easiest and most convenient way to improve cerebral performance without harmful side effects.

The easiest and most cost effective way to improve your intellect is through exercise. This applies to exercising both the body and the mind. Exercises lead to production of compounds that protect your nerves. It also ensures adequate flow of blood to all body parts including the head. It also reduces the chances of cardiovascular diseases like stroke which affect your brains. Beyond physical exercises, solving puzzles and mind games is recommended.

The mind also degenerates as a result of exposure to routine. Experts in mental capacity enhancement recommend diversification of exposure. This is a way to beat monotony or routine because it weakens your neurons. Some of the activities suggested in the search for diversity include scenery, interaction, activities and mental engagement. This exposure to a challenging environment acts as a catalyst to your mind. Your mind becomes more sensitive or alert to the changes in your environment.

Diet plays a significant role in boosting the performance of the mind. Health experts recommend foods that are high in Omega 3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA. They have been linked to reduction in mental decline, lowered risks of dementia, better focus and memory. These foods include fish oil, nuts and krill oil. Liver is also rich in Omega 3 and should therefore form part of your regular diet. Children who were breastfed produced better results during IQ tests compared to those who were brought up using formula.

Mental power is also enhanced by sufficient sleep. It refreshes the mind allowing it to generate creative and innovative solutions. This is the way to solve old problems. It is during sleep that brain cells regenerate. The importance of sleep in cognitive development was confirmed by children whose ability to recognize patterns was enhanced by a nap between learning and taking a test.

Taking on a new activity or hobby is an excellent way to boast your mental capacity. Some of the options include enrolling in music, language, dance or artistic classes. Memorizing also helps to increase your wit by reigniting new channels that stretch your capacity. New neurons are awakened and more connections created in your brain. This keeps it alive.

Stress greatly reduces your mental power. You should therefore avoid it by all means. Some tricks suggested by experts to reduce stress include volunteer activities. Your brain is not under any pressure to perform. It feels good to help in social work especially in ventures that do not have direct gain. The feel good effect that results from volunteering promotes mental health and raises your self esteem.

Human beings are social animals. Your mind gets compensation every time you enjoy a hearty moment with friends. It keeps your mind sharp by stimulating your faculty of love and compassion. A lot of emphasis should be laid on socialization especially for elderly people. A healthy and sharp mind is a great reward to the body and should therefore be the focus of everyone.

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