Methods Of Substance Abuse Treatment MI

By Sharon Kennedy

Substance abuse is the use of drugs for non-medical related purposes and in amounts that are harmful to the body of a human being. There are many centers that conduct substance abuse treatment MI. This can help addicts to get their lives on track and encourage sobriety. Commonly abused drugs include alcohol, cocaine, opioids among others. There are many ways in which the drug centers conduct treatment to addicts.

The most common method of treatment is called individual counselling. This is whereby the affected person is taken to a therapist by his or her family members. The therapist is responsible for giving the addict to the necessary steps he or she must take to regain control of his or her life. Apart from advice on drug use, the addict is shown how to engage in helpful activities that will keep him or her from engaging in drug use. The therapist carries out a follow-up to ensure that the patient is on track again. Recommendations are made if the counselor deems it necessary.

Group counseling is one more way of treatment. It is mainly used to develop social skills among the addicts. They share their problems and experiences among themselves in the presence of a therapist. It improves the social life of the addict and their discussions help to inspire a healthy lifestyle. The therapist then guides them on the proper ways to handle their addictions and assign each member with a sober companion to mentor them. An example of group counseling is alcoholics anonymous.

There are outpatient programs for those who have busy rosters. They are scheduled to meet at least twice a week with the therapists. At the facility, they are offered drug education and ways to handle their cravings once away from the facility. They can be highly successful if one is serious about it. The counsellor can offer good advice on hobbies to take up to avoid bad habits.

Treatment that goes for a short period of two to six weeks is called short-term residential program. It was originally used for people who had alcohol addictions but later on it was used to curb other addictions such as cocaine. It is mainly used when there is a large number of serious addicts that need attention. Follow-ups after one leave the hospital is vital to evade relapse.

Long-term residential treatment is a non-hospital program that provides twenty-four hours a day care. It generally takes a period of six to twelve months and it focuses on the resocialization of the abuser. It focuses on developing responsibility and social life of an abuser. It helps one get rid of the bad behavior and replace them with harmonious ways to interact with each other.

A combination of jailing and drug treatment has also been found to be an effective way of treating an abuser. Under close supervision of legal officers helps abuser to follow treatment procedures better than those under no pressure. This leads to better outcomes whereby the patient will stay in check after release and stay away from any illegal activities.

Substance abuse can also be treated by medication. For instance, a heroin addict receives methadone inhibit cravings. Together with frequent counseling by therapists helps deal with the addiction problem. Medication works to those who strictly follow the schedules given to them.

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