Benefits Of The Academic Transcription Services Massachusetts Researchers Opt For

By Virginia Moore

Interviews are often a necessary part of academic research. One project may end up having hundreds of hours of interviews that must be accurately transcribed. This can be very challenging for researchers who have limited time and limited typing skills. Turning to undergraduates looking for part time work opportunities is a common solution to the problem, but finding someone competent and trustworthy can be a big issue. A better solution may be the academic transcription services Massachusetts professionals offer.

There are researchers who still won't record interviews and insist on taking notes instead. Unless the subject has a strong objection to the recording device, this method seems likely to produce less than satisfactory results. When you are taking notes, your attention is necessarily diverted from the subject. When you're recording, on the other hand, you don't have to stop the person being interviewed because you were not writing fast enough or missed something important that was said. Recording nuances in the conversation is difficult when you are note taking.

Some researchers try to go over interviews just by listening to them. Transcripts are easier to work with however, when they are written down. When you are listening to recordings, the device has to be stopped, reversed, and forwarded repeatedly to get the information needed. It's much more efficient to have the written word, which can be quickly scanned in order to find specific sections of the interview that are of interest.

If you hire professional transcriber, you will be able to choose the type of transcription you want. You can request a total verbatim transcript. This gives you each word that was said. It includes the paralanguage, which consists of hesitations, nuances, and expressions.

You can opt for what is known as intelligent verbatim. These are transcriptions with the paralanguage removed. You could even decide you want an edited version of your recordings. You will only use this when you have given the transcriber specific instructions about the information you are looking for in your recordings.

There are several options to choose from when comes to who transcribes your recordings. You can decide to do it yourself. The benefit to this is that you have the most intimate knowledge of your project. You know just what you need to take away from the interview. On the down side, transcribing is tedious and time consuming. It may not be the highest and best use of your time.

You could hire one of your students who is majoring in your field of study to do the work. This has the benefit of an enthusiastic young person interested in your research and excited about taking part in it. This individual will also have academic qualifications others won't.

The most reliable option is to use a professional service. Professionals have experience and understand the importance of deadlines. You can choose the level of transcription that best fits your needs. The cost associated with a service could be well worth it.

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