Factors To Consider On Silo Rentals

By Frances Kelly

Renting out silos to keep grain is a smart move for a farmer since the commercial systems cannot store the entire produce. As a farmer, you will be able to get good prices when selling the produce later on as prices tend to be lowest during harvest. However, if you do not have the means to store them, you will have to consider silo rentals.

You have to rule out on the amount of storage required. The amount of space is decided on by the bags of grain you harvested. If they are less, small silos are needed but if you have many bags, consider looking for large silos. You should be careful when selecting a bin as making the wrong decision will only cost you more money.

Distance from your farm to storage area must also be considered. The location of the silos is very crucial. It ought to be easily accessible so that grain trucks can reach it easily and even move around to load and offload grain. Research on the silos that are within your location or for the neighbors who are renting out space. There are also dealers from around who offer silos for renting at a good price.

Availability of labor will also have to be determined. Stored grains must be maintained so as to remain in the best condition. The maintenance practices must be carried out by workers. Inquire from the owner if labor will be provided or you will have to look for your own. Compare the two options to determine the one that is cheaper.

Conclude on the time frame you need the storage units. This is normally from the harvesting time to a phase when you may be selling. Check your timetable and rule out your possibilities so that you provide the owner with the correct information. This information is required so that the charges you ought to pay are computed.

Inquire about the silo renting options. Most of the owners charge per month or the entire year. The fixed rate in a year normally is an annual rate for the right to utilize the grain storage. For monthly charges, rent will be charged only for the months which the bin is used. This method is effective as you only pay for the months you used the storage as opposed to paying an annual fee as you may not end up using it for the entire year.

How payment will be conducted should be concluded on. Renting silos is quite costly. The owner may need you to pay an initial amount for storage followed by a completion when you opt to remove your produce. You may also be told to make the entire payment prior to using the units. Ensure that you opt for a method you can easily realize.

Another important aspect you need to discuss with the owner is electricity cost. Most of the renters will demand you pay for these charges. It is therefore important you request for a separate meter for the storage bin to allow you to know the actual cost. This prevents you from paying for electricity you did not use.

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