The Beauty Of An Environment Filled With Natural Grass

By Jeffrey Thompson

An environment filled with nature gives a great advantage for the human beings dwelling in the place. Breathing the fresh Earth air is much better than getting suffocated in the polluted air caused by smokes and dust. Other than that, seeing the greenish field is beneficial to the eyes since it could help to improve the vision. So when your eyes are tired, you can just gaze at the grasses. Speaking of grass, it may be used other than a mere decoration. Most people had lawns and some needs sport grass seeding New England for some sporting event or recreational activities.

Some areas in your town or city are filled with different types of grasses. Because it could be applied for different purposes, you could use it to make your garden or lawns more pleasing. And even the government put those plants on the parks so people could relax and enjoy while lying down on the grass. Obviously, this kind of plant is seen everywhere.

However, not all grasses are good at all. It can also bring harm to your pets like cats and dogs. Pets tend to wander outside and if a house has its own lawn, it can be their favorite lounge area. A lawn treated with some chemicals must be avoided by those pets for that is already a hazard for them. Furthermore, some types of grasses can bring some allergies to your cats and dogs.

Nightshade, Western Needlegrass, Oldfield Threeawn, and Sleepygrass are usually the ones that veterinarians found to be hazardous to your pets. During summer season, spring weeds and ornamental grasses tend to seed and generates awns, which has spiky and spark edges, posing serious outcomes to some pets. So before it could bring harm, prune those awns off before your cats or dogs gets to go to the area.

Despite some of its potential harm to animals, this kind of plant is still beneficial and one cannot deny it. In terms of aesthetics, grasses are used to beautify a certain place like the front yard or backyard of your house and even the parks in your city. Gardeners can modify its features and some certain types are popularly used by people.

Kentucky Bluegrass germinates in a period of eighteen to twenty-one days, making it a fast-growing plant. It produces a lush, thick and enduring lawn. But then you need high maintenance to maintain its qualities plus this is also suited for cold seasons.

Another one is Fescue which has two types, tall and fine. It grows roughly within fourteen to eighteen days and although this is a cool-season grass, it still can stand in mild weather. In New England, this had been widely used in backyard areas where people tend to relax and play.

Perennial Rye is a fast-growing type also. It germinates rapidly unlike the two types mentioned above. Once created, it spreads in a slow manner. It became widely applied in many countries because of its fast development. On the other hand, it requires more water needs and high fertilizer as a maintenance.

A place filled with nature is amazing. Making gardens or lawns can be beneficial. So how about you try it now?

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